Junior Achievement of South Florida

1130 Coconut Creek Blvd, Coconut Creek, FL 33066, USA

About Junior Achievement of South Florida

4.6 / 5

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    JS Portrait Studio
    November 15, 2024

    We absolutely LOVED this place. I honestly think this should be something every school in every state should take their kids to! This was amazing. Seeing their little faces and excitement was truly a gift! Thank you for doing this. Also, for anyone wanting to volunteer, this was a great place to. 💛

    Maria Garcia
    November 05, 2024

    Incredible place, amazing experience for the kids and for us parents as volunteers. Excellent staff, very attentive, friendly and supportive. We had a great time, the kids loved working on their assigned jobs, and getting a taste of what the real world is like. They get paid a salary that they deposit in the bank and use it to pay for everything in town, with a debit card or JA cash money. My daughter worked as editor in the news paper and was so happy to see her work print out at the end of the day. It’s a very fun, unique, and well thought set up with multiple businesses, all of them with well defined activities and instructions for the kids to follow. 100% recommended

    Joe Macaione
    December 17, 2024

    Today was the third time I have volunteered with Jr achievement this town. Each time it gets better as they involve and improve the process. I will say if you were a volunteer be prepared to have to learn on the go. This is common and it’s OK if you kind of learned with the kids as you’re helping.

    jade pushkin
    January 15, 2025

    i went to this stupid place in both 5th and 8th grade. i hated it both times. do NOT go. its DUMB, way too overly complicated, annoying, AND boring. one employee there was chill tho. shoutout to that guy, when i went he was working at that big spot in the back with the scenarios. love that guy. the rest of the place was boring tho.

    Maite Hernandez
    December 15, 2022

    Great real world learning experience for students. I enjoyed that they learned about different careers/trades and then had to do hand on calculating to budget all their expenses.

    Junior Achievement of South Florida

    Our Address

    1130 Coconut Creek Blvd, Coconut Creek, FL 33066, USA

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